Half-Shire Historical Society, May 10, 2021
Spring has brough a flurry of activity to our Richland facility. The completion of the work on the southeast classroom is tantalizingly close, with only the trim remaining. We began moving furniture and other items in on Saturday May 1st. The Electrical was also completed that day. In the north end of the room a new 10 x 13 oriental pattern rug enhances the look of the space.
As part of the new SE room school history setup we are trying to obtain additional yearbooks from Camden and APW school districts. Our Mexico, Pulaski and Sandy Creek collections are pretty solid, with some missing. Rhea Russel of Williamstown brought in many extra APW yearbooks last week. Additionally, Rhea who serves as APW alumni president has brought in many items from past banquets and graduations. Venita Ackley our Parish Trustee is arranging these items in new notebooks for placement in the APW section of the new room
On the 1st Pulaski school Superintendent Tom Jennings visited us and looked over the new room. Tom and his brother Jack are seeing that we get some material from their parent’s time at APW school. Rodney Jennings Sr. was an award-winning band director at APW for many years, and Kathy Jennings was a teacher in the elementary school.
Work on assembly newsletters for both the Sandy Creek and Pulaski school alumni societies will be ongoing at Half Shire over the next couple weeks. Sandy Creek is not having a banquet again this year, while Pulaski is having a smaller event and meeting. These newsletters are going out in the mail the week of the 10th. Rhea Russel from APW district Alumni is seeking information to add to a newsletter for their organization that we will also print.We are looking for photos of the class of 1971 for all of out area schools for display this year.
Half-Shire continues to assist Pulaski Historical Society in the printing of their newsletter each month. Marlene Griffith has been bringing in bibles from their collection each month to scan for our genealogy collection. This week Marlene brought in the Barnabus and Jeanette McCall Bunn bible from the early 1800s. There is a record of three children born to the couple. The Bunns were early Richland settlers and Half Shire has a published genealogy on the family in the Pomeroy Library.
The newest issue of the Tug Hill Literary Review will soon be in the mail to paid subscribers. We are very excited to get this issue out which has some great stories and poetry we feel will be enjoyed by all.
Half Shire can be reached at PO 73 Richland, NY 13144 (3150298-2986 or on our website www,halfshire.org We are open most days from 10am-4pm, best to call ahead to ensure someone will be there in these uncertain times.
