The Society has had a very busy summer and fall, with many visitors to the facility. This summer, the organization hosted many class reunions for graduates of Pulaski, Sandy Creek, and APW School districts. We already have some dates marked for 2025 reunions next summer. We have also found ourselves hosting many celebrations of life for departed community members this year.
This year, we have welcomed researchers nationwide from England, Australia, Canada, Germany, and many other states. Over these visits, we have acquired excellent knowledge and documentation on families from many areas across our fifteen towns. Whenever guests drop in while traveling, we invariably need to call neighboring town historians or organizations and owe a great deal of gratitude to the talented historians in our region and the dedicated volunteers at Pulaski, Mexico, Oswego County Historical Societies. Our good friends at the Historical Association of South Jefferson are our most frequent site to call, as HASJEFF focuses a great deal on genealogy as we do, and the files curated by Debbie Quick there are always well-researched. Camden Historian Tim Nichols, who serves on our board of directors, is a considerable asset whenever we need help with Camden area topics.
This year, our capital project saw the construction of the first stage of a large porch/stage across the back of our building. The monies for this project were raised from a Facebook fundraiser in March. They saw to the construction of a 12 x 32' open porch, which serves as an outdoor stage for musical events and was used all summer for the Richland Hamlet Farmers Market each Wednesday. On June 26th, we dedicated the stage in honor of former Vice President and community leader William "Bill" Brosnan, recognizing the many years of work done to save our building in the late 1990s when serious structural issues existed. In 2025 we aspire to continue expanding the porch further across the back and also add a second-story 12' x 25' screen porch off the Balcom Library. In June, we also poured concrete to expand our pavilion attached to the Grant Memorial barn. A 12' x 12' 2nd-floor balcony was added to the existing 2nd-floor porch of the barn. It was much appreciated by the Grant family and the many other guests this year, particularly on Farmer's Market nights.
On Saturday, November 16, the Society hosted the annual Patriot's luncheon, which was attended by the DAR and SAR chapters of the region. This third annual luncheon welcomed ESSSAR President David Powell, Deputy State DAR regent Lisa Gallant O'Brien, and DAR 5th District representative Erin Gurdak. The group was summoned to order before the meal by Paul Revere's 5th great-nephew, Craig Williamson, who rang the bell. After the meal, a meaningful ribbon ceremony took place where the descendants placed hand-crafted red, white, and blue ribbons with the names of the wives of all of our Revolutionary War patriotson a tree in front of the room. Another tree was pre-decorated similarly with the names of the patriots who served. This tradition was started in 2022 and is the capstone of this annual tradition to honor our Revolutionary War patriots and their families. Huge thanks to DAR officer Jean Rautio for taking the time to craft each ribbon. The trees will remain standing throughout the Christmas season.
We are currently planning for several holiday events this season, with three Christmas Parties scheduled for other groups, and on Saturday, December 14, our own Christmas party from noon-4pm. Our November meeting has been moved from the 23rd to November 30, and on that day, we will decorate our 10' tall real Christmas tree, kicking off the holiday season. All are welcome to attend. On Saturday, December 21st, we will hold our annual Children's Christmas in Richland from noon-5 pm, with tram rides on the hour across the hamlet with stops at Rural and Migrant Ministry, The Richland Fire Station, and the Richland Hotel, where Santa and Mrs. Claus will be. Any child from infant to age 12 can receive a gift at the Hotel that day as long as they are signed up.
Stockings will be given out at Half-Shire to carry from site to site, where candy and small toys will also be given out. Music at Half-Shire by High Adventure will feature holiday, gospel, and other traditional songs, while free soup, chili, and sweets will be available.
For more information, contact Half-Shire at 315.298.2986 or on the web at Mary White Half-Shire on Facebook or halfshire@hotmail.com